
Banners’ Sharing Session

Banners’ Sharing Session on 28th March 2018 by Nicholas Lai & Serene Khoo

Serene Khoo from Banners sharing her success story!
Serene joined Banners in Oct 2017, learned the rope and picked up the trades fairly quickly. She closed some sales & rental deals within the first 3 months and through a ‘unplanned’ working partnership with a Banners’ leader, Nicholas Lai, she eventually grossed her share of her first 6-figure comm within a month in March 2018. (Nicholas grossed his 6 figure comm in the same month as well)
With her result, Serene was promoted from a newbie to Associate Director within 6 month.

Serene won the following awards for her March 2018 performance at company level (4,200 associates):
March 2018 OrangeTee & Tie – Top Rookie
March 2018 OrangeTee & Tie – 4th Top Producer (Monthly Top 50 Producers)
1st Quarter 2018 OrangeTee & Tie – Top Rookie
1st Quarter 2018 OrangeTee & Tie – 32th Top Producer (Quarterly Top 50 Producer)
100K Achiever in OrangeTee & Tie for March 2018 

And of course, Serene also emerged as Banners’ No 1 Top Producer in March 2018